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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Sonic Mega Collection Plus

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Game Name : Sonic Mega Collection Plus
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-01-08 12:38:13
Views : 35495

Debug Mode
To enter Debug Mode, play these sounds from the level select screen: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4. Press Start and hold A. To start debugging, press B, then you can select any sprite in that level and put it on the screen. To select a different sprite, press A, and to place it on the screen, press C. Note that sprite selection is different from Zone to Zone. Also, instead of displaying the time elapsed, it displays the number of sprites currently on the screen.

Level Select
From the main screen, select Options. Select Sound Select and play sounds 19, 65, 9, 17, then push C. Press Start to return to the main screen, and when Sonic and Tails appear, hold A and press Start.

Passwords for Blue Sphere
Level 1: 3659 8960 3263
Level 11: 3454 5429 0879
Level 21: 4092 0771 1670
Level 31: 3897 4614 1116
Level 41: 2817 0087 0076
Level 51: 3298 8503 4428
Level 61: 3227 7149 4844
Level 71: 5073 2087 0844
Level 81: 5388 6203 6924
Level 91: 5183 2672 4541
Level 101: 4446 4119 1869
Level 111: 4251 7962 1309
Level 121: 4545 7330 3741
Level 131: 3610 2145 0173
Level 141: 3582 0287 7885
Level 151: 4053 1330 0413
Level 161: 2994 1551 3010
Level 171: 2788 8020 0626
Level 181: 3426 3362 1426
Level 191: 3188 7708 3570
Level 201: 4857 0971 9474
Level 211: 5338 9338 3826
Secret Level: 2340 2318 5760

Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Level Select and Debug Mode
Start a "no save" game. In Angel Island Act I, swing on a vine. Press LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP.

Unlock Comic Zone and The Ozz
Make sure you have a save of Sonic Heroes on your memory card (Any save. You dont have to beat the game). After that, play SMC+ and go to the games section. After that, the game will tell you that they are now playable!

Comic Zone - Get a save of Sonic Heroes. play SMC+, go to games, Game is now unlocked.
The Ozze - Get a save of Sonic Heroes. play SMC+, go to games, Game is now unlocked.

Unlocking hidden games
When you initiate Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2, 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 3D blast, Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine, or Sonic Spinball, the screen states that it is logging the game data. That indicates the game is logging in that you have initiated that game once. After initiating a game fifty times, it no longer shows that game-logging screen. It stops the logging sequence screen from ever starting a game again and from then on, just starts the Genesis program itself. To unlock a hidden game, you must start a particular Mega Collection game fifty times, continually exit it, then enter into the game repeatedly. Some hidden games do not necessarily require that you start up fifty times, but you eventually need to do so to unlock all the hidden games.

Blue Spheres: Start Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic 3D Blast twenty times each.

Comix Zone: Have a saved game file from Sonic Heroes on your memory card.

Flicky: Start Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine before reaching 50 times. Alternately, have a memory card in slot A with a saved game from another Sega game.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Unlocked sometime in the process of starting Sonic 1, Sonic 3, Sonic And Knuckles, and Sonic 3-D Blast fifty times.

Knuckles In Sonic 2: Unlocked in the process of starting Sonic Spinball and Sonic 2 fifty times.

The Ooze: Have a saved game file from Sonic Heroes on the Xbox hard drive. Alternately, this game is unlocked in the process of starting Sonic Spinball and Sonic 2 fifty times.

Ristar: Start the following games fifty times: Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 2 And Knuckles, Sonic 3 And Knuckles, Sonic 3-D Blast, Sonic Spinball; and start Blue Spheres 30 to 40 times.

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